All games tell a story and all stories have a game.
Nautiloid is a network of creative individuals brought together by the desire to create new and innovative video games. It guides the production of ambitious new projects through a system of agreements which uphold the principles of creative freedom, group responsibility and mutual reward.
Get out what you put in - The Nautiloid Agreement (outlined here) allows collaborators to pool their skills & time flexibly and facilitates mutual reward and responsibility. Putting the cart before the horse has some unusual benefits, filtering out individuals who lack the vision and determination to bring a project to life.Our only competition is ourselves - Collaborators make what they believe is fun and exciting. Nautiloid offers guidance and structure to help them achieve their goals so long as they adhere to the parameters of the agreement; connecting personal passions to project responsibilities.Common ownership & governance - Successful projects are given governing shares of the Nautiloid system, allowing them to share in the future productivity of the company and guide the seeding and growth of new ideas.
Chaos Host
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